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Saturday 27 August 2011

Hard-tack Recipe- There Is No Such Thing As Bannock Or Sourdough Hardtack...

Because hard tack is never leavened; it can not possibly be made using an active sourdough or other bread base.
Because there are only two ingredients; 
there is, really, only one thing that can cause failure, when preparing hard tack. 
That is not Knowing; what or why Hard-tack is.
The name hard-tack(from British naval slang for food) did not originate in any of the Americas and there is no real recipe.

You do not use any fat, baking powder, baking soda, sourdough starter or yeast in the making of hard-tack; because hard-tack is an unleavened product and doing so would defeat the whole purpose of having produced hard-tack in the first place.
Hard tack is NOT and never was a form of bannock and bannock never was an unleavened bread; nor is it a biscuit, pancake, or scone Really there are only two ingredient used, when making hard-tack; flour and water-salt is optional. In modern times; as when used aboard ships hard-tack is baked as many as four times, to remove every bit of moisture, It will keep almost forever.

Hard tack antedates other forms of bread by several ages of man; it must have been Neanderthal man who first patted meal and water into a thin cake and broiled or roasted it on a flat stone near his fire. Bannock on the other hand (the name first appears in 1572 Scotland), is a leavened communal LOAF OF BREAD. Bannock is not cut into scones, which, not being a loaf, are considered to be an entirely different product.

 A HARD-TACK RECIPE, for those who must have a recipe.
1 lb. flour
1/2 tsp. salt
Mix salt and flour, then add water slowly until a very stiff dough is formed. Roll on a floured board, until about a half inch thick. Cut into squares or rounds with a cookie cutter or an opened tin can, prick surface with a fork and bake in a hot oven until golden brown.then bake it again, again, and again.When made and properly and stored in a dry place, hard tack will keep indefinitely and is not as susceptible to insect infestation as is flour.

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